Learn the patterns …

We can see patterns in our everyday life.. for example. Stripes on the sweater, dots on the t-shirts and check’s on the shirts …

Through understanding patterns, kids learn to make predictions, to understand what comes next, to make logical connections, and to use reasoning skills. Patterns learning helps the kids in different ways …

Patterns help kids make predictions because they begin to understand what comes next. They also help kid learn how to make logical connections and use reasoning skills. Patterns can be found everywhere in our daily lives and should be pointed out to small kids.

Match the similar pattern worksheet… In this worksheet kids will have to match the similar pattern .. patterns are with colors so it will be easy for the kid to identify the similar pattern…

These 3 worksheets are for kids to draw the patterns by themselves.. it will help the kids to identify and then create a similar pattern in the empty boxes ..

In this worksheet the parents will have to help the kid as it includes the use of scissors … Parents can cut the patterns and then kids can paste the patterns on the empty boxes with the glue…

In this worksheet kids can create their own patterns … Like parents can ask them by showing any pattern to create a similar one on this worksheet…

Have fun watching your kids learning some new patterns…

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